Manuel J Paez Apps

Computational Physics I 1.0
Manuel J Paez
Contains 5 types of Computational Physicsapplications with a brief theorythat explains the fundamentals for each case.First: Fractals: the equations to obtain the tree and fern fractalsis given and show their formation; the method to obtain Sierpinskigasket is explained and generated.Second: vonNeuman rejection method for Monte Carlo integration of agiven function, random points are generated, some lie inside thefunction others outside. If the device is rotated a new result isgiven.Third: Cellular automaton: Wolfram cellular in which a new line ofoccupied cells depends on the previous line according to certainrules related to the occupancy of the tree previous cells above anew cell. Conway's Game of Life is programmed for twopossibilities: random occupied cells are generated and see theevolution or select by hand the occupied cells and see theevolution according to the rules for survival, revival or death ofthe cells depending of the number of its neighboring occupiedcells. packets for two cases: in one you select a potential whichcan be a rectangular barrier or a well and see the reflection andtransmission of the packet. The other case is the motion a Gaussianwave packet in the harmonic oscillator potential.Fifth: solution of the wave equation for a vibrating string withfixed ends and you can select the initial position of the stringand see its motion.
Slit_Interference_Film 1.0
Manuel J Paez
Influence of light color and slit separation in patterns. Inthinfilms color observed in light reflected and in refractedwaves,change the film height to see interference colors. Selectlanguage:English or Spanish.
Refraction 2.0
Manuel J Paez
Refraction of light rays in glass slabs including totalinternalreflection. Minimum deviation angle in prisms for 2possible prismangles, and 2 refraction indices. Refraction of raysby glass orwater droplets, in two cases: for a fixed incidencepoint of thesurface of the droplet and for parallel rays atdifferent points,with possibility of selecting one or tworeflection of the rayinside the droplet to produce ordinary ofextraordinary rainbows.Explanations in English and Spanish.